Meet Jesper Nielsen

Afspil video

Crane Operator at WIND PIONEER

What is your role and how long have you worked for ZITON?

I have been working as a Crane Operator at ZITON since the summer of 2016.

What does it take for you to function best in your work?

Being part of the team and taking things seriously and working together to make things better.

What is the most challenging part of the job for you?

Teaching our new crane operators.

What motivates you to go to work every day?

Making a difference and being part of something much bigger.

What do you think is the coolest case you have worked on?

My first rotor lifts. That requires good cooperation between all our different work groups.

How has your workplace helped develop you?

The company’s trust in you as an employee and individual has given us more opportunities and developed me as a crane operator.

Why is this your dream workplace?

Because at ZITON, there are opportunities for those who go after them.

What do you like to do in your free time?

Being creative, building various things, a house, a bridge for my buddy or building a LEGO crane.