Meet Krists Versels

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Site Supervisor at ZITON Contractors

What is your job and how long have you been working at ZITON?

I have been working for ZITON since 2018. During my first year, I worked as a heavy lift technician. Then, I worked as a site supervisor, and currently, I am working as a WTG Document Controller. In my current role, I update, create, and manage WTG-related documents and procedures.

What does it take to perform at your best in your job?

Dedication and the right mindset are essential for performing my best. I maintain a “Can do. Will do.” attitude.

What is the most challenging part of the job for you?

The most challenging part of my job is making sure that I am satisfied with the work I have done. I strive for perfection in everything I do.

What motivates you to go to work every day?

Challenges motivate me. I enjoy being a part of large-scale projects that involve complicated tasks in difficult environments.

What do you think is the most remarkable or exciting case you have worked on? And why?

The most remarkable case I have worked on was my first assignment with ZITON. It was the decommissioning of an old offshore wind farm in Sweden. Prior to this assignment, I had been building new wind turbines, and now I got to take part in taking down 17-year-old turbines, which was an interesting experience.

How has your work developed you as a person?

My work has taught me to be more tolerant and to see situations from different perspectives. I have become more adaptable to new environments and situations.

Why is this your dream job?

This is my dream job because it involves working on large-scale projects that involve vessels, large cranes, wind turbines, and special tools. I also have the opportunity to develop and find myself while making a positive environmental impact.

What do you like to spend your free time doing?

I enjoy spending most of my free time with my family. I also like to be outdoors in nature, such as hiking, cycling, and exploring the forest.