Meet Martin Blomgren-Nielsen

Operations Manager at the office in Horsens

What is your role and how long have you worked for ZITON?
I am an Operations Manager at ZITON and have been employed in the office since 2021. I previously sailed as a First Officer on the company’s own jack-ups.

As Operations Manager, I have daily contact with the customer and the ship’s crew before, during, and after each project. I prepare project-specific documentation and various CAD drawings according to requirements and wishes from the customer. During the preparation and execution of each project, I work closely with the customer and the ship’s crew to ensure that the ship operates up to the customer’s expectations. My primary task is to solve the planning and operational problems that the customer and the ship’s crew are constantly facing.

What does it take for you to function best in your work?
Freedom with responsibility and opportunities for personal and professional development.

What is the most challenging part of your job?
Our jack-ups operate in an environment that is constantly changing, and unexpected situations arise. It is part of working with ship operations, and I thrive in it. Here, I can use my background and experience as a First Officer and collaborate with my colleagues in the office and onboard the ships. I am fine with being taken out of my comfort zone. Here, I get to test my expertise and adaptability, and it expands my horizon.

What motivates you to go to work every day?
I am motivated by working with competent people who are passionate about what they do. Here, we take care of each other, and it should be fun to go to work, and the social environment is important to me.
At ZITON, we work based on our “Can do. Will do.” approach, where a “No with a reason” often can be turned into a “Yes with a challenge”. With such an approach to the task, I believe that we can go far. There is room for professional development and creative thinking. It creates great motivation for me, and I get recognition for my work.

What do you think is the coolest case you have worked on? And why?
Unfortunately, I cannot answer this as these cases often involve confidential optimisation solutions.

How has your workplace helped develop you as a person?
At ZITON, there is a significant focus on personal and professional development. I know that I can always go to my immediate manager if I feel the need for competence development.

Why is this your dream workplace?
For me, ZITON is more than a workplace. At ZITON, we care about each other, and we want to create success together across expertise and experience. We make things happen.

What do you like to spend your free time on?
I live in Lund near Horsens with my wife, Sara, and our two girls, Thea and Ebba. We spend a lot of time together with our girls, where we like to go for walks in the forest, be on the playground, or play games. In addition, I do a lot of cross fit in my spare time.